Volume flow controller standard, flange connection

with Venturi injector according to DIN EN ISO 5167-1

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Category: Volume flow controller
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Volume flow controller standard, flange connection
Volume flow controller standard, flange connection Volume flow controller standard, flange connection
Preisliste 2022
d L L1 D B k d1 d2 Number d2
0110f 400 107 170 8 150 111 7 4
0125f 400 107 185 8 165 126 7 8
0140f 400 107 200 8 175 141 7 8
0160f 450 107 230 8 200 161 7 8
0180f 490 114 250 8 220 181 7 8
0200f 510 114 270 8 240 201 7 8
0225f 700 114 295 8 265 226 7 8
0250f 700 114 320 10 290 251 7 12
0280f 760 116 360 10 325 281 9 12
0315f 760 116 395 10 350 316 9 12
0355f 1050 200 435 10 400 356 9 12
0400f 1100 200 480 10 445 401 9 16
0450f 1250 260 530 10 495 438 9 16
0500f 1400 260 580 10 545 488 9 20
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